Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I dyed my hair back to it's original color... or at least almost... and it feels good.

Classes started today. It felt good to be back in the swing of things...

I'm feeling good in general. I did something dicey... I kind of joined an online dating site...

yup. I'm officially a loser...
or not...
In any case, it's interesting.
One person said they enjoyed, "Going to the beach hanging out having sex." Apparently neither sentence structure or... online social norms... matter to that individual.
In general it's been a positive experience. Let's hope I don't end up with someone who kills people or something... lovely... like that.
I found a bowling bag at Salvation Army for 2.99... It's sort of amazing. :) I'll have to take pictures of it... I'm still in the process of developing my own style... It's in process....
But in any case, all is actually well. Actually.

1 comment:

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I want to see more of the hair!
An online dating site? Interesting...I hope to hear more about this.
Good luck with classes. It's so strange that classes have started and I am still enthroned on a couch...