Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So an update about the online dating...

There is this really cute guy who they paired me with. He shared a lot of personal info. and it seemed like there was a connection... it was lovely...

And yeah.

... I shared about my life, which I admit is a bit overwhelming.... especially for me... since I AM the one freaking living it... lol! ... ... and he suddenly seemed to shut up... So I apologized for sharing too much... because I felt embarrassed....
and told me that he is glad we are friends... and how I should be concerned about Darfur... and call my congressperson... haha...
Even though that is slightly funny it's also frustrating. Not that I want to seem needy... but... good grief. It felt like a humanistically bombastic slap in the face... lol! I'm sure he didn't mean it that way... but yeah. That's how it felt. Well you aren't good enough to be a girlfriend but maybe you can be my friend and I can use you... to do good.... things.... ? ... Yeah.

This might be another dud. The romantic in me is stupidly (most likely) waiting for him to suddenly emerge as a knight in shining armor... and have a brilliant reason why he rudely seemed to ignore me... and my soul.... after expecting me to listen kindly to him...

Gee, I'm not angry...

Gosh. I'm sorry. It's just... this is enough of this. I didn't join a freaking online dating site to just find one more avenue to be rejected...

Like if you don't care about me and just want to "get out" then good grief.... just don't respond. Don't freaking patronize me... haha... AHHHH!!

But I'm not surprised. This happens a lot. I get excited and all dreamy and then poof! My pleasant little bubble world is burst open with a harsh rejection... or a silly rejection.

Funny thing is I challenged him to find this blog... and I don't think he did... or was even interested in it. lol! I could be completely wrong though. But yeah. If he does read this... lol! Well... sorry. :)

I will survive.... as always. I just think it's funny... in a yeah, that's my luck sort of way.
I suppose I should be more effing patient... but it just gets tiresome after a while...

Thank goodness for family, friends, music, and God....

In any case, I am still feeling good. Life will unfold however it damn well pleases. :)

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